Solve this word puzzle

This article appeared in the Cambridge Evening News on Thursday 27 April 1995.

It was a Top Class feature article, which is a page written by schools for schools, written by journalist Anne Shooter.


The puzzle has been provided by Sawston Village College and all the hidden words are connected with the Sawston Fun Run and the East Anglian Autistic Support Trust (EAST), the charity this event is supporting.

EAST helps sufferers of autism and their families.  Autism affects 125,000 people in this country and has no cure.

It is a mental disability which stops sufferers from showing their feelings and understanding people around them, leaving them isolated and frustrated.

The Fun Run, on Sunday, will raise money to help build a house at Ely for young autism sufferers in this region.

The words to find in the grid are:

EAST Anglian Support Trust
Fear Frustration Isolated Family
Lonely Alone Stress Cambridge
Evening News Sawston Fun
Fun Disability Autism Village
College Communication


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