Fun run anniversary breaks the records

The 10th Anniversary Sawston Fun Run was a huge success as these articles confirm.

This teaser article appeared on the front page of the Cambridge Evening news on Monday 1 May 1995

fun run breaks recordsThe 10th Anniversary Sawston Fun Run was the biggest and best yet, with a record number of entrants from as far away as London and Bristol, all running the five-mile course for a charity helping people with autism.

See Page 3.


This is the article that appeared on page 3 of the Cambridge Evening News.

Author unknown. Pictures by Andrew Parsons

Fun runners achieve best turn-out yet

Anniversary race attracts 1,150 entrants all raising money for autism charity

Fun runners achieve best turnout yetThe 10th anniversary Sawston Fun Run was the biggest and best so far.

A total of 1,150 people took part in the race, with entrants from as far afield as London and Bristol.

It is hoped the sponsored event may have raised £10,000 for EAST – the East Anglian Autistic Support Trust.

After a fancy dress contest, Anglia News presenter Helen McDermott started the race. Participants ran five miles from Sawston Village College.

Male and female winners in five age groups were: Gordon Storrie, Sue Reinsford, Richard Hammond, Tanya Leonard, Simon Fabb, Jenny Hunt, Campbell Smith, Diane Fisher, Anthony Hopkins and Dawn Warren.

The family event was won by the Kite family.

Fun Run organiser, Gerry Holloway, said he was delighted. “We would like to thank everybody who took part, whether they collected money or helped with the organisation,” he said. “It was a really successful event this year with the greatest number o runners in all of the 10 years.

“We would also like to express our thanks to the businesses who helped us and to the Cambridge Evening News, which has given us so much coverage and support again this year.

“We were aiming to raise £10,000 for EAST and we are optimistic about that.”

Owen Spencer-Thomas, chairman of EAST, said: “Our congratulations and thanks go to the organisers and all who took part in this magnificent event.”



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